1. Life is short, do whatever makes you happy.
2. Do whatever makes you happy, because who knows life will bring you many opportunities than you least expect.
3. Life only comes around once, so do whatever makes you happy, and be with whoever makes you smile.
4. I think, whatever makes you happy in life, you gotta do it. You can’t plan in life too much.
5. Whatever you decide to do. Make sure it makes you happy.
Paulo Coelho
6. If you fail, you will be criticized, and if you succeed you will be criticized, you can’t make everyone happy. So you may as well do what makes you happy.
Senora Roy
7. Never live your life for anyone else but you, find and Do what makes You happy.
8. Do more of what makes you happy, spend more time with who makes you smile. Worry not the person that doesn’t like you back.
9. Do whatever makes you happy, not others.
10. If you’re trapped between your feelings and what other people think is right, always go for what makes you happy.
11. Just do whatever makes you happy.
12. Honestly who cares what people think. Just do whatever makes you happy.
13. Do whatever makes you happy, but do it now.
14. Never hesitate in doing something that makes you happy.
Anurag Prakash Ray
15. Just be happy, do whatever makes you happy, there is really no reason to be stressed.
16. Life is not about depending on others to make you happy. It’s about doing whatever makes yourself happy.
17. Whatever makes your soul happy. Do that.
18. Whatever makes you happy, that’s what you should do.
19. Stay positive and do whatever makes you happy.
Charles Trippy